Land of Talos Wikia

You find yourself in a vast and open library. It's been told to be one of the largest and oldest in the world, and by the sheer number of books you can see why. Various people are moving about or sitting by candle light reading. There is a faint musty smell of old tomb and fresh parchment with hushed whispers all about. Two grand sweeping stair cases line either side of the front desk where rather old looking man sits. He beckons you forward asking if you need any help finding something. 


Grimoald the Wise and keeper of the Grand Library

 The old man notices you approach and looks at you over his specticles, a large tomb sits in front of him on the large oaken table that's covered in scattered parchments and piled on books of all sizes. 

"Ah, yes how may I help you? Lookign for something particular?"

"About the history?"

He nods and points to the right where the towering shelves full of book await, most seem old and well read

"About the races?"

He turns point behind him to the left, gesturing up the stairs. The sheleves are just as tall but the books seem newer upon inspection. 
